26 Mai 2006


last night was our last time at hemingway's on south gaylord. it was interesting on a lot of levels. there was the surprise invasion of the entire greek system, the lap dance(s), 20 minutes waiting in line for a freakin' beer, really stupid nlonde anoxerix sororitutes (thanks matty for that line). one highlight was a rather large girl who conveniently stored her cell phone in her cleavage. that really puts the @$$ in class.

peipei and marianne were there.

as was heatherfeather (this is me getting in trouble with her, hehehe)

but we made up!

3 Kommentare:

Am/um 4:43 PM , Blogger heatherfeather meinte...

that was nothing compared to when i went all celeb to your paparazzi video camera.

Am/um 2:57 PM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

lap dances? maybe i should check this place out.

Am/um 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.


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