26 Dezember 2007

the not so glamorous jet-set: tribute to denver

when i used to advise students and they would tell me that the wanted a job in which they could travel, i always used to say "really--are you sure?" travel is fun when you don't have to, not so much fun when you must. and denver always causes me problems in this department.
examples? hmmm, finding my car buried in 4 feet of snow from the snow plow after returning from a conference; getting stood up by rides (multiple times), being forgotten on thanksgiving one year. yeah, love it.
christmas in the iowhat was great, but getting "home" to tacoma was not so much. thank you, denver, for having a snow storm on christmas day. really, i appreciated the four hour delay this caused for the sake of your white christmas. i appreciated the opportunity to hang out with annoying people from nebraska who talked too much. i appreciated arriving at seatac in the middle of the night to get stuck with a shuttle driver who reminded me of an old bad santa. i appreciate how your little weather tricks made getting through the work day such a slog.
once again, denver, you have disappointed me.
you are beginning to make o'hare look good. never thought i would say that.


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