09 Juni 2006

save us from the time of trial...

...especially when the time of trial happens to be NON-STOP FOX NEWS CHANNEL. this is quite possibly the most challenging part of being at home--it is on constantly. the reasoning? "it's fair and balanced" according to my dad. AHHHH! i cannot stand it! how much more of a mouthpiece of conservative republican america can you find!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 Kommentare:

Am/um 8:28 PM , Blogger X meinte...

No media out there is fair and balanced...we/they all cater to an audience...and aim to please. Fox's audience - right-wing America. The place were I work for's audience - English-speaking people in a predominantly French town. However some outlets are a little more sensationalist than others. Down with Bill O'Reilly!


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