02 Juli 2006

another movie review

so this afternoon i went and saw "the devil wears prada" with mutti. i liked the movie a lot. but, i was disappointed with the ending, because the woman ditches her career for her friends who are not supportive of her career. ok, before you thing "amischwab is such a cuthroat jerk!" hear me out.
life requires balance, especially when you are starting out in your career. there are sacrifices we all have to make in order to get to a place where we want to be professionally. and this often involves working late, working weekends, etc. and sometimes, things come up. i've experienced this first hand when i have friends who i would love to spend more time with, but i cannot because of work-related things. like when LJ came and visited me in Berlin II and i had to work, she supported me and occupied herself for the day, knowing we had a weekend of fun ahead.
a lot of people, when they finished their first degree, seem to get jobs that are strictly 9-5 and can then have dinner with friend and get shit-faced every night or whatever. but there are some of us who end up doing something we (a) really love or (b) need to do to get to the next level. and said other people don't seem to understand this and think you are being a bad friend because you can't see them every night or whatever.
granted, the situation in the movie was a bit extreme since anne hathaway was working for the devil, but i have found myself in similar situations. anyone who knows me in 3D knows that my friends are very important to me. and one of the reasons is that we really support each other in things that are important to us.
in my view, if you care about someone, you should support them. of course, there are limits. if someone always blows you off for their job, well, i suggest you find new friends. but people who expect you to get off the clock at 5 every night to socialize, well, i am sorry. i can make it by 8, but what i do professionally is a large part of my identity. and i hope you would support that.
OMG, do i sound like a corporate-ladder-climbing ass? no, i just mean, we have to understand that we have to be flexible and supportive of the people we care about.
if we do turn into another "to do" on the ol' outlook opening screen, there is a problem. but otherwise, if you care about someone and recognize that them being fulfilled in their professional calling is important, you can be flexible.
this is one movie where i didn't want the girl to get the guy. sorry if that makes me have a heart of stone.

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