09 März 2007

automobiles, then planes, then trains, then busses

so here's the deal:

- ol' blue and i braved the recently opened interstate and drove to omaha and spent the night before getting up at 3:00 am to catch flight.

- flew into portland from omaha (wanna save $500 when travelling from dsm? go to omaha!)

- took train into city to drop stuff off at a-squared's apartment.

- borrowed a-squared's car and went over the river, through the woods to grandpa and grandma's house (literally, itwas quite a drive).

- spent 3 FULL days with grandparents, which was nice, but intense. lots of tears. trips to doctor, grocery store, doctor again, and my personal favorite, the department of motor vehicles.

- lots of good talk time with a-squared throughout. i honestly would not have made it through the time in P-Town without them. they are just fantastic.

- other sites visited in P-Town: Nordstrom Rack (wow!), The Boiler Room, some other random place on Burnside.

- took train to T-Town. Picked up by foxer. Dinner at the Spar. Foreign film with subtitle afterwards and beer. Typical evening for the foxer and I.

- hitched a ride with foxer to work, saw old boss/friend for coffee and kashi (that's why I was so gassy yesterday!), lunch with mentor. good times.

- dinner at Silk Thai (har har!) with MJ and jillywog. So good (when did I last have Thai food?) and then beers at E9 in the North End of T-Town.

- finally, a morning to myself. interview this afternoon. not looking forward to ironing my garments.

- tonight: pub crawl with Kaka and Frick et al.

so yeah, it's been busy, but fun, actually. quite unexpected.

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