02 Juli 2006

i had a REALLY weird dream

so i had this dream a couple of nights ago which was SOOOOO WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!! in it, i had knocked up a close friend of mine, even though in my recolection, we have, uh, never done the deed, and according to my calendar, we not even on the same continent during which the said deed would have been done. turns out, she had twins, and was preggers and didn't even know it. and she joined the peace corps and had the kids in rural africa. i got a call from her informing me of this and also that one of the kids was born with malformaties (is that a word?)
anyway, i don't know where that came from. but i do know that for the past few weeks i have been having incredibly vivid dreams with this kind of weird stuff. and said dreams are so vivid, that i wake up in the morning often having to sort out reality.
does this make sense?
am i alone?
am i really crazy now?

3 Kommentare:

Am/um 12:11 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I don't know. But in this dream, did an angel appear and had a bit of a chat with your friend?

Am/um 4:19 AM , Blogger Yaymee meinte...

Vivid crazy dreams, huh? Are you/have you been taking Lariam??? That stuff messes with your head!

love, aim

ps - which friend did you knock up?

Am/um 9:22 AM , Blogger X meinte...

LOLOL, that is a little odd. By little, a mean a lot. Peace Corps? How random! LOLOL


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