29 November 2006

so what is my seasonal job, you ask?

so i am coming off my third 15-hour day. fun times. in addition to caffeinating the masses, i now sell jewelry. the randomness is getting to be hilarious. and let me tell you, this ain't david yurman or cartier. it's crap with some pretentious name that is marked up about 300%. but it pays well and i get commission.

so that's the update.

1 Kommentare:

Am/um 9:00 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I like something in silver with a garnet please. Or. I would like something in silver with a moonstone.
Diamonds are overrated, although tremendously sparkly and pretty... They are not often a girl's best friend... That's usually something that vibrates and requires a couple c-cells...
(Oh, I am SOOOO classy!)


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