04 Oktober 2006


.arie that is. i had a weird dream last night. i was here in germany and got a call on my mobile from india.arie, one of my favorite artists. she was like, "Fritz! i heard you are going to be in South Africa on Saturday!" apparently in the dream, i was going to be. she was like "Me too! We will have to get together!" end of dream.
in another dream i had, some german lady came up to me and was like "uh, yeah, those t-shirts you wear make you look fat." also, end of dream.
i think the pills are making me having nutty dreams. or maybe i am just nutty.
the latter is probably more likely the case.

2 Kommentare:

Am/um 9:01 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

india.arie... i've heard some of her work, but i am not altogether familiar with it... i'll have to check her out b/c if she be callin you on your mobile to hang out, she's gotta be cool, yo.
or something.
i dunno.
me tired!!
slept in.
spilled coffee.
mp3 player battery wasn't recharged.
this all happened before 08:30... that's my witching hour, so it seems. well, witching 1/2 hour. see what i mean, im totally flaking out...

Am/um 11:32 PM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I like india.arie. i don't know what that part of your dream means...maybe it means you're "ready for love." i know, cheesy.

as for the second part, those dreams are responsible for giving men and women everywhere eating disorders. don't listen to them.


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