10 August 2006

ok, seriously?!

are we really to the point where we are either so lazy or don't have time to put our own hot dog in the bun?
yet another sign of the apocalypse.

1 Kommentare:

Am/um 7:51 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

Don't fret. This is just the beginning. It's like the prelude to prechewed food!! Oh! And then afterwards there will be the food pill. Finally we would have reached The Star Trek Years! The aluminium age of social advancement where we're too lazy to chew, we just swallow pills for nurishment. BUT! We can kill Klingons and Ferengis and make nice with Vulcans...
omg, I am SO NOT a Trekkie... I just made all that up in the hopes of sounding like one...


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