10 August 2006

a little concerned

before i moved to the midwest, i was worried i would get an accent. i have always been proud of my west coast "non-accent." at the same time, i easily pick up dialects. my brother says this is a sign of a weak personality, whatever that means. so before i moved here, i was worried i'd start to sound like an iowan, which granted is not as extreme as sounding like i was from minnesota or north dakota, but it's not me.
i listen to myself all day. working the drive thru is like having the "amischwab show." and i am noticing when i talk to people, i sound like them more and more.
so if i happen to talk to you on the phone and i sound a little midwestern, reach through the phone and slap me. please.

1 Kommentare:

Am/um 7:58 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I am a Canadian with a no-accent-accent. When I lived in California (my extent of jetsetting, yo) I quickly picked up the Northern California drawl. It was terrifying!! I realized that I needed to move. Oh! And when I would go hang out with Mercans they would make ms do tricks for them. "Awww, look at the cute canadian... Ok, say the word "about"!! HAHAHA! Ok, now say the word "house"!! HAHAHA!! Ok, now what's a "toque"??? Ok, sayyyyyyy... "about" again! HAHAHA!" Oy vey.
This one time, Guggsy and I went shopping and spoke in a fake British accent all day. We were greeted with things like:
Them: "OH MA GAWWW! I Looooooove your accent!!! Where are you from???"
In unison we'd answer...
"OOOooo how long have you been in Canada???"
Another friend of mine and I pretended to speak some Asian dialect while shopping for groceries when I was in college... That was weird...
Uhmmm, ok, this should have been a post and not a comment...


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