14 August 2006

iowa: the lost driving rules #2: turn signal

(learners, please note, this rule is an important prerequisite for rule #3: the four-way stop)
also known as: blinker, indicator

the turn signal is a standard piece of equipment on every vehicle. it is almost always found connected to the steering column (see illustration). it is used to make other drivers or pededstrians aware of your intention to:
(1) make a right or left turn
(2) change lanes to either the right or left

the turn signal should be used on the freeway as well as on side streets.

just do it.

6 Kommentare:

Am/um 10:57 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...


Maybe you need to demonstrate the arm signals... you know... just in case there's a broken-indicator epidemic in Iowa!!!


Am/um 7:41 PM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I'm liking this series. It's also useful to non-iowan bad drivers, such as moi.

Am/um 9:45 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I especially like the inclusion of visual aids in the lost driving rules series. nice work.

Am/um 7:26 AM , Blogger X meinte...


People not using their signal lights is one of my biggest pet peeves!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the PSA :)

Am/um 2:59 PM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...


i think that they think that you know what they are thinking...

will you have a post on angle parking??? can't wait!

Am/um 9:18 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

or perhaps, "right-away" rules?


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