26 August 2006

alright already

ok, i know it has been forever since i've said anything here, and you probably aren't even on the edge of your seats, but it has been an intense couple of weeks, so i am going to post "la canadienne style" with some bullet points:
  • my brother moved back to milwaukee, so now the house feels a little empty. upon arrival and attempting to start his car to take it to move back into his apartment, the key just kept on swirling around the ignition. this is so something that would happen to me. i feel really bad for him, especially since he is so stressed out about his phd comps right now.
  • speaking of cars, i am selling the SW2 which has been an interesting process. the car needs some work and there is nt a huge market for jetta wagons in iowa, so i have had inquiries from omaha to st. louis to a friend of the bosnian guy who lives accross the street. i am scared of getting screwed.
  • given the upcoming move away from iowa to either (a) germany (b) seattle or (c) new york, it is with great difficulty that i have begun to find a new home for nawa. some people are coming today to meet her. this whole process is the best for nawa, but it is really sad since she is my "baba" (baby in Afrikaans), "Fledermaeuschen" (little bat), and well, man's best friend all around.
  • (pause, i need to cry a little)
  • my parents' summer bash for work friends actually went well. i was expecting it to get out of control. but it was just a bunch of 50-year-olds sitting around drinking margaritas and cheap american beer and singing jimmy buffett songs and variations of jimmy buffett songs. so not my parents' style, but i think they had fun. i had to leave because if i heard one more rendition of "margaritaville", my head was going to explode.
  • mes parents are going away for labor day weekend and by some freak act of God, i actually go saturday and sunday off. what? this amischwab is going to be walking around the house naked and have one wild party, but of course, not at the same time.
  • hmmm, better get some, uh, friends here by saturday night in order for said gathering to occur.
  • finally i got to talk to LJ last night. poor thing has been through hell week at her job and now is sick, but it has turned out that it was a good move for her professionally, which makes me smile and want to give her a big hug.
  • matty numbchucks was in des moines for literally 12 hours his past week. we had dinner at a german restaurant downtown, which actually turned out to be really good food, though matty is not suck a huge fan of all things german, except of course, for amischwab, but then, AS is only half.
  • speaking of germany, it's a month until i arrive there. i am really starting to get excited now. woohoo!
  • i would like to thank everyone at work who has held me back from drinking venti caffe vanilla frappuccinos. i am up to 23 pounds lost and seriously, ditching those babies has helped that a lot.
  • alright, i need to find coffee somewhere. cheers.

5 Kommentare:

Am/um 9:26 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

thanks for the update! uhh, 4 updates... rachel

Am/um 1:40 PM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

So great to have you back!!!!!!
You HAVE been busy. Which is good to hear. Idle hands are the devil's mischief... Oh wow, I am so devilish!!!

Am/um 4:53 PM , Blogger X meinte...

glad you came back to us! also glad i could be an inspiration, lol.

Hugs about your dog....she'll have a great new home :)

Am/um 7:17 PM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

Welcome back dude!

Am/um 7:17 PM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

i am sad to hear about your dog. you have my sympathy.


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