14 Januar 2007

the midwestern education continues

we are having our first real snow here in iowhat. it is still all a novelty to me, so my thoughts are not,
"what if we get snowed in and don't have food and basic supplies?"
but rather,
"what if we run out of wine?"

i shoveled snow for the first time that i can remember today (picture to follow). not enough snow to shovel in oregon and in denvuh and germany, i always had a service to do it for me. it was not as glamorous as i had expected. but at least i could skip the gym.

this evening is my last shift at the coffee company. i am so not looking forward to working, though i am doing the shift with some good people. i suppose that is how last days are at most places. i have had many last days, but they have usually involved cleaning out my desk and having extended lunches with colleagues, oh and purging my hard drive. oh the cushy corporate life.

what will i do tomorrow? not sure--been awhile since i have not had a job to go to. it kind of scares me, but i am sure i will keep busy. finding a job is, after all, a full-time job. i was kind of hoping to go see my grandparents out on the coast, but when you're unemployed, especially voluntarily unemployed, dropping cash on a trip, though an important one, is not such a good strategy. i might go to wisconsin and see my brother instead, that is, if the weather holds.

i knew the past couple weeks would be tough because i would be wanting to not be at the job anymore and i would be nervous about finding another one. the next couple of few weeks will be interesting. i am trying to take delight in this and not be afraid.

this is part of taking back my life.

1 Kommentare:

Am/um 8:33 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I heard this song last night, and I think it's pretty amazing. If you are able to borrow it from the internet, you should. You can find it on the Anathema site, actually... Totally free to download... It's called "A Simple Mistake"... Proggy metal, if you don't mind... But the lyrics speak so many things... I think you might enjoy it, especially at this stage in your life... (under the "multimedia" section, click the link and scroll down a bit, the lyrics are right there)...



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