14 Dezember 2006

paying it forward

so in my joke of a job, i usually work the drive thru because (a) i am fast (b) i can multitask (c) (deleted because it was mean)
we have a particular customer who regularly will come to the window and ask to pay for the car behind him. this is really nice, but it insinuates the disaster. due to the way our computer system works, it just really screws things up in a technical manner, and then it spurs a wave of other people wanting to do the same. in a way, this is nice, but on the other hand, i feel they have missed the point. you see, instead of paying it forward, they are simply paying it back. not exactly, because it is possible they could end up spending a lot more or less, but figuratively, yes. it's a case of, "i am only doing this for you as a payback for something i got."
this is not what giving it about. giving, true giving, is not a response to having received something. true giving occurs when we have nothing and when we are not somehow obligated. this is why gifts are so treasured.
alas, this is planet earth. so things work a certain way. let's think outside the drive thru lane, though. the lesson people should learn is to pay it forward. so when your order gets picked up by someone else, don't try and pay it back. find another opportunity to pay it forward.
i guarantee you, there are many such opportunities to go beyond yourself, to go beyond the drive thru lane.

1 Kommentare:

Am/um 10:13 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

That phrase has always made me cringe. I guess when I do something for someone it isn't b/c of a need to return a favour to the universe, no matter what it is. That isn't to say I'm perfect (damn near...) and I don't suffer that huge feeling of "OMG, I just need to do something now that someone has done something for me!!!" I do feel that way... I guess part of the issue is that, sometimes, we think that everything comes with a price. If people can't do anything nice w/o expecting something in return then they ought to question why they are doing it. Somehow I think that these people hardly have a conscience to reflect in that way, unfortunately. Like those people that hold open doors for others and as you walk though say "Ohhhhh, You're WELCOME!!!" I never go through an open door w/o saying thank-you, but I've seen it happen. If can't hold the door open out of the goodness of your heart, then you shouldn't hold it open. Butthead. Anyway, I digress. So yah... Pay It Forward... Makes me wince, but I know the intent is there, in some way, to pass on kindness in whatever form it may come.

PS: I also despise Helen Hunt...


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