10 Januar 2007

oh, the uncertainty

yes, i quit the coffee shop. as of sunday, i will be unemployed. ah, the 365-day weekend. in the meantime, i am hoping to have a break and hopefully do temp jobs while continuing to apply for positions that have three components: they pay, they are for a company that is doing something valuable, and i can do them. is that asking so much?
basically, the coffee job was sucking the life out of me, which did not put me in a good position to be interviewing or applying for jobs. i mean, i was applying for stuff, but i was not myself--i was exhausted and bitter all the time. so i took the leap and gave my two weeks on new year's eve (yes, i had something real to celebrate).
you knew all of that already, i realize.
but so far, it has worked. i am ami-schwab again! perhaps not totally.
in 2006, i lost grasp on my life.
in 2007, i will take it back.
and i am.

2 Kommentare:

Am/um 11:05 PM , Blogger X meinte...

"in 2006, i lost grasp on my life.
in 2007, i will take it back.
and i am."

It's like you're in my head!

Good luck hun! :)

Am/um 9:40 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I admire your determination to "take it back."


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