05 Mai 2006

the romantic comedy has been ruined

peipei and i decided not to go to gaylord street last night and instead, stay in, eat ben and jerry's, and watching comedies/romantic comedies. i received numerous text messages and phone calls inquiring why i was not at hemmingway's. perhaps this is a sign we go out too often on thursday nights and it was time to do something different. especially since they've started the drunk bus, hemingway's has turned from a grad student place to one overrun with undergrads, many of whom happen to be my students. it's just not a good situation.

so we went to blockbuster and rented two movies: last holiday with queen latifah and prime which stared uma thurman and meryl streep and some guy whose name i forget but who peipei thinks is really hot. whatever. the only thing i noticed is that one of his nipples is noticably larger than the other. in any case, we were both kind of in a funk, so we wanted to laugh and watch movies that would be funny and turn out perfectly in the end.

unfortunately, hollywood seems to be determined to ruin the romantic comedy by making them more realistic. there have been several movies like this in the past year. it's like they want to say "haha, you thought you were going to get a fun sappy movie but we're showing you how life really is!" seriously, life is realistic enough--the whole point of the romantic comedy is to help us escape for awhile. but not, apparently hollywood wants to turn these movies into existential life-discovery monstrosities and ruin the fun for all of us. and they trick you, too! you read the back of the DVD or see the preview, and they appear to be legitimate sap, but then you find yourself either crying or angry or both by the end of the movie because the guy doesn't get the girl or you are just way too reflective about your own life for it to be fun anymore!

all i can say is that i hope this apparent trend ends soon.

2 Kommentare:

Am/um 2:25 PM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

his name is bryan and thanks a lot for reminding me about his abnormal nipple. i'm sure i can overlook it...

next time we're going to watch pride and prejudice b/c at least we know how that turns out!!!

Am/um 9:34 PM , Blogger X meinte...

lol, abnormal nipples...lovely! :)

Yeah, I;m always one for good sappy love story. The girl should always get the guy! :) It makes you feel at least a little hope if you're single, even if it makes no sense :P


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