24 Juli 2006

a late-night-i-cannot-sleep post

(from vera)
Deserted Island Must-Haves
(Semi-Deserted and Rather Luxurious Island Must-Haves)
So imagine that you are going to be stuck on a deserted island for the rest of your life. Dun dun dunnn! You can bring three things from each of the following catergories. What would you chose to bring?
1. The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran: A beautiful interpretation of life and its meanings.
2. The Bible: I know that is such a fundamentalist thing to write, but it’s the truth.
3. Africana by Kwame Anthony Appiah and Henry Louis Gates: I could read this book for hours. I don’t think people realize what a diverse history and culture exists on that continent.
1. Life of Rent—Dido (cause i identify with a lot of the songs)
2. The Joshua Tree—U2 (ditto on that Vera)
3. Greatest Hits—Bob Marley (would seem to go well with the whole island thing)
1. Kaka (to bring out the humor in all)
2. LeAnne (to keep things organized)
3. A hot chick (‘nuff said)
1. Under the Tuscan Sun—always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and have hope that everything will work out.
2. Crash—definitely would remind me that compared to the tensions that exist in the US, the deserted island ain’t so bad.
3. Dr. Zhivago—love its epic quality.

1 Kommentare:

Am/um 10:47 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

^5s on The Joshua Tree!!
What is your favourite song from this album? I'm a huge U2 fan... (I have to reconcile this with my metal \m/ ;)) I think my favourite song from this album is... "One Tree Hill" :)))


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