08 August 2006

mein iPod ist kaputt

my iPod is apparently sad. it just stopped working and i took it to the apple store.
"yeah, it's broken," the "genius" told me. "might as well buy a new one."
thanks, captain obvious.
good thing i have a lot extra cash lying around.
fritz - ipod + long haul flight = sucky
welcome to the pity party.

5 Kommentare:

Am/um 6:57 PM , Blogger Vera meinte...

**pulls up a chair**
**makes the iPod unhappy face**


get one of those fritz!!!
i positively love my iAudio (incidently -- named iAudio before the iPod was ever released)

you must groove to the music whilst in flight, b/c what if they play sucky movies like MatchPoint and KingKong... (my previous trip to toronto)...


Am/um 8:34 PM , Blogger heatherfeather meinte...

if you've had it for under a year it's still covered - they'll either fix it or replace it. you'll have to pay like $40 or $50 if you've had it longer than 6 months.

Am/um 6:56 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I seriously think the so-called greatness of ipods is an internet consipiricy; I have met very few ppl in real life who have been happy with theirs. i have been trying to sell my 3g 40 gb ipod for months now, but I have a feeeling I will only get 20 bucks or so for it.

I've had an iRiver for a couple of years which has never given me problems! (schocking for an ipod owner, I know)


Am/um 9:46 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I love my IRiver! However, I only use it to record my lessons, and coachings. Sometimes I make recordings and burn them to cd. I just bought a refurbished IPod. 20gb. Maybe that was stupid, but I need something smaller to listen to music to. I hope I don't regret it. I've herad mized stories about IPods for awhile now. But, I didn't have the money to spend on a new one. I'll let you know how it goes.

Am/um 11:07 AM , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

I love my iPods.

That being said, I hope you find other means of entertainment on your flight.

Like Sudoku or something more fun.


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