24 November 2007

thanksgiving + weekend

i had thanksgiving dinner with kaka, frik, their new baby, Sadie, kaka's parents and aunt, uncle, and their daughters in seattle. it was the first time i got to see Sadie, and as you can see she is precious!

i had to work on friday, but today, MJ, her brother david and i went and got a christmas tree.
i didn't actually cut down the tree. i let MJ do that--she is into those things. besides, i didn't really want to get muddy today. just not in the mood.

now the christmas season can begin (although in the large coffee company world, it began a couple of weeks ago).

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11 November 2007

new job

so i got a job.
as is very often the case in today's business, i am initially on a two-month contract and if i perform well, i will be hired on permanently. i will be a project management type doing process-engineering. i am not really sure what that means either, but i am good at designing processes and i am sure i will find out tomorrow what all of this entails. i am kind of nervous, especially about the long commute to seattle. right now, i am just so thankful to have a decent paying job that has the potential to lead to other things. it is disappointing that this position doesn't really have an international focus, but if i get my foot in the door, it can lead to bigger and better things.
the lack of international component really scares me the most. working with people and other entities from abroad is so core to my identity and it has always been an element of all of my jobs to this point (well, except in the iowhat). so i wonder how i will keep that alive.

socially things are pretty good. on friday night, the roomies and i went and saw the U2 tribute band some of our friends play in. these shows are always like mini-reunions, which is kind of fun, but iffy at times, because there are certain people you don't really feel like seeing.

(i just saw a commercial with an orange vaccuum cleaner--i SOOO want one!)

on saturday, i had lunch with kaka and frik and some of there friends up in seattle, which was a lot of fun. it was good to meet some new people.
i do look forward to expanding my circle through working in seattle. we will see how that goes.

(another aside--pizza elmo? i think talking/singing pizzas are creepy)

today i mixed it up and went to church with MJ. and the afternoon has been filled with ironing and a lifetime movie. these are the good old days.

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05 November 2007

so, this is what's going on...

...not that anyone will read this, but here goes:

i have been in the puget sound area for about six weeks. it has been overall really good. there have definitely been rough patches when i wonder if things will work out here, how i will afford groceries, if i will succeed in life in general, etc. but right now, i feel really good about this decision and yes, i have found myself saying during the past few days: why didn't i do this a long time ago?

so what's going well?

1) i am having way more interviews. unlike in the iowhat, where i did not have a single interview (they were mostly in chicago), i have been having interviews on a regular basis and getting back in the groove of things. my confidence is way up.

2) i have a great community of friends that is really growing.

3) i have been provided for in miraculous ways, from a bed to sleep on to groceries. i am staying with my wonderful friends mj and jillywog. people joke we are like three's company. i have a temp job where jillywog's sister, karebear works, so i can get the basic bills paid.

4) i got to see my mom this past weekend. she's at a conference in seattle.

5) love the ocean, love the mountains.

6) i feel like myself again.