weither geisha...take it off and be the slutty ho that i know you are inside
weither geisha would, although she is a classy call girl, be stripping down to a halter top and some daisy dukes in this weather. forget the mini-kimono; a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
last check here at the house: 105 degrees fahrenheit or 41 degrees celcius, otherwise known as really effing hot. so much hotter than fritz has ever been. though namibia is quite hot, it is dry. i cannot deal with the humidity. thank God i was born in the 2oth century--i could not hande life without air con, though i prawly wouldn't have known the difference. no, i probably would have just died. stepping outside for just a few minutes and i want to faint.
i went to a bbq on saturday evening for a bit. my friend MJ from t-town was visiting her bff, but i got to see her too. anyway, we had a nice breakfast in the morning, i went to work, and then after work, joined her at the get-together. i have never been so hot in my life. i said "MJ, why do we ever set foot outside of washington?" anyway, it was great to see MJ--my first connection to the outside world since moving here. today, we had lunch at a greek restaurant. i love greek food, actually mediteranean food of any kind. my digestive system sometimes doesn't like it. i had driven by THE greek restaurant in DSM a couple of times and thought, "ew, not going there." it looks kind of scuzzy from the outside. well, actually, as i found out today, it looks kind of scuzzy from the inside as well. but the food was good and the couple that appears to own the restaurant was very nice. only the flaming cheese (not the proper name) that one of the guests at my table ordered, kind of scared the crap out of me. i almost jumped under the table.
MJ's friends here seem pretty cool. they are very earthy, thrift-store shopping types. i, on the other hand, as much as i would like to be, not that kind of person and i am not even going to try and pretend. and i think corporations, though often very poorly regulated and are ridden with problems such as exorbitant executive compensation, especially in the US, do efficiently produce products EVERY one of us uses and also provide millions of jobs. and my actions reflect my view as well. so i hate being ridiculed for the fact that i have and probably will again work for a multinational. i am not saying i have been directly, but let's just say there were some raised eyebrows. and i realize i still do a lot of corporate type things. like whip out my PDA when getting someone's contact information. right, i could use a scrap of scratch paper and then lose it, or i could use my PDA which requires minimal energy and no paper and not lose your details.
are ya with me?
i was at work at 4:45 am yesterday. i love opening--the shift goes so quickly and then you have a whole afternoon to do whatever you need to. of course, since i am incapable of going to bed before midnight, i usually need to take a nap on these afternoons, which is just a vicious cycle, i realize. but for now, it works. besides, it's too dang hot in the afternoon to do anything. oh, and riding your bike home in 102 degree weather is not so fun.
last night, i also cooked the recipe mentioned in an earlier post. yes, i finally found proschiutto. it turned out well, though i am not sure if it was work all the work. and, i totally forgot that the pan used to brown and then roast the chicken in the oven, had been in the oven (as directed by the recipe) so, when using said pan to cook the brocolli, i totally burned my hand and screamed a bad word right in front of my parents, dropping the pan and dumping all of the oil in it on the kitchen floor. (the burn was not that bad, but it hurt like a mother at first). in the end, though, we had a very nice dinner. everyone was so relaxed and nice to each other. probably because of the wine. but who cares, it was great. we even sat around the dinner table afterwards and talked. i don't remember the last time this happened--we don't even do this on holidays. so yesterday was a pretty damn good day for life in iowa.
isn't it great when you can look back on a day and think, gee, that was a good day.